Looking Beneath the Surface – Exploring the hidden depths of Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365 has revolutionised the way many of us interact with the familiar, long-serving ‘Office Apps’ with which we’re all familiar.
Microsoft 365 has been around for a while now, and many businesses have gotten to grips with the fundamentals of this empowering suite off applications that have an answer to many of the most common business challenges. The introduction of cloud capabilities has made file resources more accessible and shareable, and this improved functionality has been further complemented with the addition of collaboration platforms such as Teams.
You may think you know how to get the most out of the suite, but with over 20 additional apps and services in addition to the ‘core apps’ are you really getting the most out of the software you have at your disposal? Many MS 365 users tend to stay on the familiar ground of the ‘core applications’ they’ve used for years (such as word and excel), thinking that exploring new features will be too time-consuming and require too great a learning curve. That really isn’t the case!
In this series, we’ll look beyond the familiar, and get to grips with some of the empowering, intuitive, and productivity-boosting apps and services that may be bundled into the 365 subscriptions you’re already paying for. We’ll look at each platform on an individual basis and help you decide if it has a place in your business’s operational environment.
Microsoft 365 – The Hidden Depths
The beauty of Microsoft 365 lies in its ability to confront so many business challenges despite being proprietary software.
What do we mean by this?
Well MS 365 isn’t custom software – you haven’t commissioned it – but the scope of its abilities and the range of features on offer means you can adapt the suite to your business’ unique set of needs. Every business is unique, but many share common operational challenges, and more often than not there is a feature within 365 that’ll tackle these. For example, you may have found yourself asking at one point or another:
“How can I keep my remote workforce informed and engaged?”
“Is there a tool that can speed up appointment scheduling?”
“How can I extract value from data?”
“Is there a tool for organising project work?”
“As a manager how can I monitor group chats?”
“Can I automate-away repetitive, menial tasks?”
Often Microsoft365 will present more than one solution to these common business challenges. So let’s get started and find solutions to these issues and many more.
How can we help?
Here at VaraTech, we offer a broad range of IT support and consultancy services that aim to help small businesses extract maximum value from their IT. From proactive network monitoring/maintenance and hardware leasing to Cloud services, VoIP telephony and much more, we help our clients identify and roll-out the best-fit solutions for their businesses.
We’re cloud computing experts! We can help your business leverage the potential of some of the most empowering Cloud services, such as Microsoft 365. Why not get in touch today, to discover how the flexibility, scalability cost-efficiency, convenience and security of Cloud services can help your business realise its potential.